Latest Minister's Update

1. We had a very blessed Easter this year. Our Maundy Thursday communion was marked by a very real sense of the presence of Jesus among us. We prayed for God's blessing and the move of the Holy Spirit on everyone's lives, and many of us were profoundly aware of God's peace resting on us. Please pray that those who were there will continue to see God working in their lives as a result of it.

On Easter Sunday we were blessed with a good congregation, with quite a number of people who we don't usually see in church. I had the opportunity to preach a full gospel message, so please pray for the continuing influence of the Holy Spirit, drawing to faith in Christ those who don't yet know him.

2. On Tuesday April 2nd we said goodbye to Mary Barnes, who played such an important role in the life of this fellowship for many years. Although she had moved away some years ago, she always thought of the Inghamite Church as her spiritual home. Her funeral service was well attended, especially considering her advanced years. She was powerfully used by God for his glory throughout her life, and will be remembered with great love for many years to come.

3. Thursdays continue to be a day of fellowship, discipleship and engagement with scripture as it applies to our everyday lives. We see a good proportion of our fellowship turn up at one of the three meetings. The lunchtime group, which meets every Thursday at 1:00 for lunch followed by discussion, went through a Lent course and is now returning to the ongoing engagement with Paul's letter to the Romans (please remember that you can join at any time. Each session is self contained). The discipleship group meets in the upstairs lounge at 7:30 every Thursday evening and the bible discussion meets at the same time in the coffee lounge or on Zoom.

We really encourage you to try one of these groups. They are effective in exploring how the bible and our Christian faith relates to the lives we live in fellowship and in the world.

Don't forget our Tuesday evening church prayer meeting at 7:30. It happens either in church or on Zoom. Currently, you'll have to let me know if you want to meet in church. Another opportunity to pray together is every Sunday morning in the upstairs lounge between 9:45 and 10:15, just before the Sunday service.

4. Toddle in to Church remains one of the liveliest ministries in our church. It continues to attract new people regularly. We are so thankful for the people who regularly staff Toddle In, and for those who help out now and again. We are still in need of more helpers, especially, perhaps, people who are able to get alongside children and adults to minister the love and care of Jesus to them. Let us know if you think you may have a leading to get involved. Thanks, also, for your continued prayers for Toddle In. We have the children and their parents (or grandparents) with us only until they go to school, and would love to think that God would draw them to faith and fellowship in that time.

5. Please continue in prayer for the wonderful people who work so hard to minister to children on Sunday mornings. Numbers are still inconsistent, but they do a great job in being (as my Sue would have said) “fully prepared for every eventuality”. As the children grow older, of course, we will need to think about catering for older children and youth. Please pray for God's guidance and the raising up of the necessary people as we consider this.

6. As always, please remember our leadership groups. The Trustees meet once a month and the Pastoral team meets every Friday morning at 10:00. Please pray for them as they seek God for the needs of the fellowship. Please make room in your prayers for the faithful people who work so hard in administrative, maintenance and ministry roles.

7. The Afternoon Tea on March 23rd drew a number of people from the local area, on a cold, wet and windy Saturday afternoon. Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable afternoon which, along with what we collected after the service on Palm Sunday, raised over £700 for the new ambulance for ACTS Burkina Faso (see below). Many thanks to the team who organised the event.

8. We are working closely with churches in Wheatley Lane and Barrowford to raise money this year to buy a new ambulance for the Acts ministry in Burkina Faso. This is also an opportunity to reach out by involving and inviting people in the local community. There will be various events as the year progresses, all of which will offer chances to contribute.

Please remember we are always available for prayer, ministry or company. If you are in need of a visit, please get in touch. We are always willing to come and see anyone whose need we are aware of, and to help anyone deal with life issues on a deeper, one-to-one level. We are also available to advise and pray with you about roles in the church and exploring areas of gifting. Call me on 07597 387719.

Love and blessings
