Minister's Update January 2025

Hello everyone – welcome to 2025. The year has begun, as you will all be aware, with some very bad weather which, combined with the replacement of the gas pipes along Wheatley Lane Road, has caused us to have to cancel the first two services in January. We have met on Zoom, and although many of us don't really enjoy the Zoom experience, we must be thankful that it enables us to meet for worship in some form. Hopefully, by the time you get this the weather will be slightly warmer, the snow will have gone, the holes will be filled in and we will have sufficient parking space again.

This year, we hope to be exploring the ways in which we communicate our faith to others. An important part of our faith is the fulfilment of the great commission given by Jesus to his disciples, to go and make disciples. That is one of the reasons we are getting involved with the local pub. It is a hub of community for our area, and one of the best the best places we can be for meeting people and sharing our lives of faith with them. Let's seek God about how we offer the hope that we have, with kindness, courtesy, gentleness and love to others in our own local and family circles.

The care home visits have continued over Christmas. We've also had some good opportunities to visit the pub again, with a carol service just before Christmas, which was very well received and playing on new year's eve, which was a great evening.

Our own Christmas services all went very well. Our Christmas Day service was not as well attended as in previous years, but was still a wonderful way to begin our celebrations.

We had a very busy December with the Toddle in Party, at which the children received presents, and Advent course, a fellowship meal at Shekinah, our own carol service and one at the Cruck barn in Barrowford, and the Nativity service. Also in December we were delighted to renew the wedding vows of Michel and Diane, who have been married for twenty years. Thanks to everyone who was part of preparing and delivering our Christmas services and activities.

Toddle in to Church. The mum's and tot's group didn't meet for the first two Mondays in the new year, because of the weather and the disruption in the road, but should be up and running again by the time you read this. Please pray that this work will continue to be blessed to the people who attend it, and that it will be the means by which some of them will be drawn to faith in Christ.

Also …. a new minister has been welcome at St Thomas's church in Barrowford. His name is Nick Murray. We have met with him and the new minister at the Methodist church, Adrian Perry, and we hope to enjoy a fruitful relationship with them. The local churches continue to work together to express our unity in Christ and to engage the local community.

The work in the churchyard and on the buildings is ongoing, and we thank the trustees and those responsible for maintenance for the work that they do so faithfully.

We are now approaching the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – events are taking place starting from Saturday Jan 18th to Saturday 25th. The service on Sunday 19th will be a combined service at Higherford Methodist at 11:00, and there will be only a 'skeleton' service at Wheatley Lane, with Helen leading worship and Geoff speaking. The full programme for the WPCU is on the notice boards at church, on the weekly events sheet, and will be attached along with this update.

Don't forget that we are always available for prayer and ministry. You can call Matt on 07597 387719

Matt and Tammie