Lupus UK/The Magdalene Project

Lupus is an auto-immune illness in which the immune system attacks the body it is supposed to protect. This condition comes in varying degrees of severity, and whilst it can in part be managed, there is currently no effective cure for it.
A lady with connection to our church suffers quite severely from Lupus. We were so touched by this lady’s positive outlook, despite struggling with depression resulting from her condition, and the way she looked to God for comfort and help, refusing to let this get her down, that we asked her what the church could do for her. She asked if we could support two charities close to her heart, and we readily agreed.
During one month each year we therefore gladly support Lupus UK, an organisation that provides professional support, information and research grants. In the same month we also focus on the Magdalene Project. This is a charity based in east Lancashire, established by Christians. It gives professional support to victims of childhood sex abuse and of alcohol and substance abuse.
If you would like more information on these causes click on and